The Andalusian Rescue Centre for Horses (ARCH) was founded in 2009 by a small group of horse lovers, all of whom had experience working with rescued animals. Rather than follow in the footsteps of so many charitable organizations who take on far too many rescued animals – reducing their capacity to provide each case with maximum support – with our limited resources we chose to take on fewer cases, ensuring each animal receives the attention they require. Initially, we tried to limit the numbers of rescues, thus ensuring that we could offer the best care and rehabilitation. When we opened, we took in mostly abandoned horses and donkeys – they appeared tied up at our gate. However, with the arrival of the financial crisis things changed, thousands of beautiful, fit young horses were sent to slaughter as their owners and breeders were unable to feed the mares or sell the foals. Lorries were queuing up at the slaughterhouse door. Soon our policy of limiting our intake went out of the window as we desperately tried to rescue as many equines as we could, each one a victim of the economic downturn. During the first few years of our existence, we often had to appeal to our supporters and sponsors for help as our rescue numbers grew. To everyone who has supported us over the years, we are eternally grateful. We anticipate a similar situation to the previous financial crisis once the impacts of the coronavirus take effect, so our mission remains as important as ever. With the improvement in animal cruelty legislation, we are able to prosecute abusive owners. Almost all our rescued equines now come from Seprona, the environmental law enforcement, having been confiscated or found abandoned. We work closely with our animal rights lawyer, Aritz Toribio, Seprona, and local equine vets to rescue animals in danger and take their owners to court. It is an uphill struggle to ensure that judges and public prosecutors are enforcing the new laws as intended, but with time the message will get through that animals have rights, and they must uphold them. The legal process is time-consuming, costly and ongoing – all donations are very gratefully received to help us fight for justice. The ARCH team of volunteers has grown over the years, and we are deeply grateful to each and every volunteer.
At Easy Horse Care Rescue Centre, our mission is to rescue and rehabilitate abused, neglected and abandoned horses, ponies and donkeys, while campaigning for the better treatment of animals across Spain. We are a no-kill foundation and provide each rescued animal with a safe and loving sanctuary – either here at our centre or via rehoming – for the rest of their lives. It all began with a stallion locked in a filthy stable. We moved to Spain from England in 2001, aiming to slip into an easy sunshine-and-relaxation retirement. But all that changed in 2008 with Luceiro, a two-year-old stallion we found locked in a filthy and dark stable, his left eye badly injured and rotting, hurling himself repeatedly against the bars of his stall as flies drove him crazy. Unable to walk away from such a distressing case of animal cruelty, we brought Luceiro home to our own finca – and unwittingly created a much-needed horse rescue centre. We set up our Easy Horse Care Rescue Centre near the little town of Rojales in the province of Alicante, along Spain’s Mediterranean coastline. We now care for more than 120 horses, ponies and donkeys saved from abuse and neglect, plus a menagerie of other rescued animals, including dogs, cats, parrots, chickens, geese, peacocks and pigs. Our rescue centre has attracted significant media attention both in Spain and abroad, particularly after our daring and difficult rescue of Faith the Pony, which pushed animal welfare into the public spotlight. Faith became the first pony in Spain to be fitted with a prosthetic leg after her mutilated front leg had to be amputated. In 2014, American publication Narratively ran a feature-length story on the rescue, entitled Saving an Amputee Pony Named Faith. Faith's journey inspired Sue to write a series of children's books telling the stories of our rescued horses, aiming to raise awareness about animal abuse while generating additional funds to cover the centre's hefty running costs. The first children’s book, Faith: Diary of a Heroic Horse, is now available via our free monthly open day.
In 2015, Trebaluger Equine Rescue Centre, a non-profit association, was formed to offer a place of saftey to horses and donkeys that had been abandoned or neglected on the island. With the help of family, friends and volunteers, Samantha Lake formed Trebaluger equine rescue centre with Kate and Vicki as signatories. We rent premises which have 42,000m2 of land with a few stables and have grown from just a few horses to now homing 26 permanent equine residents. Over the years 14 cats have appeared and now live with us, numerous chickens and cockerels and 2 ducks. The land unfortunalty isn't arable land so doesn't allow us to grow any feed, but we do have beautiful wooded areas offering shade in the hot summer for them all. None of us are experts, we just love animals, and give our time to the centre freely. We all have busy lives and jobs but, with the help of volunteers, give these rescued animals a chance to live happy, healthy and safe lives. It's not always easy, it's hard work but truly rewarding. We believe that every horse, pony, donkey and mule has the right to a happy and healthy life, free of fear and neglect, giving them a safe & loving place to live & be free, providing essential veterinary treatment, rehabilitation and lifelong care. We gradually re introduce human contact, some of the horses have never had contact & others have lost their trust in humans due to bad experiences in the past. We currently provide permanent sanctuary care to 26 residents, the majority of whom are unlikely to be re-homed due to their challenging veterinary needs, sympathetic handling requirements or behavioural difficulties, which are a result of the neglect they have suffered. The Horses & Donkeys live out all year round in natural herds, encouraging them to exhibit their natural behaviour and make friends. Some, however, are stabled during the night for safely or health reasons. Our aim is to ensure that every resident at the Rescue, no matter how complex their needs, has the opportunity to live out the rest of their days in a loving and safe environment.
The Donkey Sanctuary's mission is to transform the quality of life for donkeys, mules and people worldwide through greater understanding, collaboration and support, and by promoting lasting, mutually life-enhancing relationships. Our vision is a world where donkeys and mules live free from suffering, and their contribution to humanity is fully valued. Our values are compassion, collaboration and creativity are The Donkey Sanctuary values. They are the key to our journey as they represent what we stand for and what we measure ourselves against. The Donkey Sanctuary is above all else compassionate. We never turn away from a donkey in need. Donkeys and the people who rely on them for their livelihoods or to help them cope with physical, mental and emotional challenges, lie at the heart of everything we do. We act as a global driving force for caring, both for suffering donkeys and mules, and for all those people whose lives they touch - generating understanding, compassion and support all over the world. The Donkey Sanctuary is collaborative in all its activities, working through a worldwide network of partner organisations, communities and individuals. We work inclusively with people frequently marginalised within their own countries and communities, whether due to poverty, ignorance, race, gender or disabilities. We treat every interaction as a two-way opportunity to learn and to teach. We know that it is only together that we can help donkey owners and carers become donkey welfare ambassadors wherever they live and work. The Donkey Sanctuary’s goals are ambitious, but its resources are finite – which means that we must exercise creativity to meet the ambitious goals we set ourselves. Whether this be in adapting locally available materials for donkey-friendly harness across projects that span four different continents, in developing donkey assisted therapy activities tailored to the unique challenges of a child with additional needs, or reaching donkey owning communities in the midst of man-made or natural disasters - creative thinking underpins everything we do.
The Protector of Horses and Other Animals "All the Horses in the World" is unique in its kind. Through the Association we raise awareness about animal abuse, we feed the inhabitants of our abandoned and abused animal shelter, and we guarantee their veterinary care. El Refugio, for its part, has more than 50,000 m2, which makes us one of the largest refuges in Europe. In it, we take care of more than 200 animals including horses, dogs, cats, ferrets, turtles, turkeys and chickens that live in semi-freedom, choosing where and with whom they want to be. We don't like cages. We are Concordia and Virginia, the two sisters who run All the Horses in the World. We are pioneers in the fight for the protection of horses and the creation and management of a refuge with very special characteristics. We have searched for a thousand solutions to "cure" animal abuse in Spain, and we have come to the conclusion that Fight and Love are the two sides of the same coin that allow us to move forward. However, as in all great stories, there is a third essential element: the people who support you and believe in you. It all started about 20 years ago when Concordia came to Malaga and began to find many abandoned horses. He looked for a place where he could house them, currently the Shelter for All the Horses in the World, which is one of the largest Shelters in Europe and, in fact, a Home for the animals (dogs, cats, ferrets, turtles, chickens...) that they cross our path and suffer mistreatment or abuse of any kind by human beings. Soon after, he called his family. She felt lonely, overwhelmed (due to the large number of animals that needed help) and lacked financial resources. So, without much thought, our parents and I sold our house in Madrid, left friends, work and came to Malaga. My sister and I sat down to talk. We had two options: continue helping (with family support) the animals that my sister had already rescued and "stop", or become a non-profit association that would allow us to extend our help to all kinds of animals and, above all, fight for their lives to change. We chose the second option: dedicate our lives to animal protection, giving up many things, without looking back. This is how the CYD Santa María Association emerged, currently known as the Protector of All Horses in the World. Our greatest success, without a doubt, is every life saved, every suffering avoided. But we are also especially proud of our participation in the drafting of Royal Decree 804/2011, thanks to which we managed to get horses recognized as domestic pets, expanding their legal protection, something that no one had bothered about until that moment. Since then, our work has garnered numerous awards, in addition to having been awarded with the highest awards granted by the Civil Guard, SEPRONA, the Official College of Veterinarians of Malaga (V de Oro), etc. But unfortunately, there is still much to do. There are still people who kill the puppies or "leave" them in the garbage, as if it didn't matter... We have also been fighting for years to guarantee the Welfare of carriage horses. We have achieved some improvements, but, without a doubt, insufficient. To really get to know each other, the most important thing is that you know that we are the people who are going to continue fighting tirelessly until the situation of the animals improves. I hope we live to see it. It is difficult to fight, to survive, without help. Thank God we have always had good people who have been encouraged to be part of this History, Our History. At All the Horses in the World, we firmly believe that loving someone implies taking care of them, respecting them and, when they suffer, putting their needs before yours. We have given up many dreams to continue helping them and thus be able to achieve our most important dream, which is that, one day, animals obtain a status that allows them to live alongside humans while being respected. Join the Family of the Protector and Refuge of All the Horses of the World to help the animals that need it most.
Northcote Heavy Horse Centre started in 1989, our charity provides animals with an enriched and nurturing life. Our mission is to provide a sanctuary to all horses and animals that come to us. To educate our guests on animal welfare, animal history and their legacies. We are a small but dedicated animal welfare charity based near Skegness in Lincolnshire. We care for lots of difference animals including horses, goats, pigs, birds of prey, llamas and more. Many of our residents have had tragic backgrounds or have even been turned down by other charities. We step in and provide our animals with a safe and loving home in our sanctuary. Since 1989 Northcote Heavy Horse Centre has been promoting animal welfare in an educational setting, allowing visitors the unique chance to meet our animals and enjoy hands-on learning experiences. The Northcote Heavy Horse Centre was the original idea of Keith & Ruth Sanders in 1988. Following a long-standing family hobby, the chance to have Ebony back after his working life at Young's Brewery in London; (Ebony was owned by the family from being 3 years old until the age of 7 when he went to London) stimulated the idea of creating something worthwhile. The Centre opened in July 1989. Faith plays a major part in our life here in rural Lincolnshire. Without faith and help and guidance from our creator, we could not have survived the bad times in the mid 1990's and the "Foot & Mouth" epidemic of 2001. We only have the money we can earn by our own merit and the help we receive from our supporters and "friends". The care problems of Big Horses with big problems are a constant worry. Development of the Centre has changed direction from its simple beginnings; ordained mainly by demand on the family to create a "haven of rest and tranquillity" for visitors and horses alike! Visitors and the helpers themselves are strongly influenced by close contact with these large, impressively intelligent and calming animals. One of the highlights of our life was in 1993 when Keith was nominated by his peers for inclusion in the Miller Reference Guide "Best of British Men". This was for his work in bringing horses and people together and improving understanding and enjoyment of heavy horses. The most memorable and moving "happening" was when Pam Rhodes and the BBC "Songs of Praise" team arrived at the Centre to film part of the 1995 "Harvest Festival" programme. Today, the Centre is a non-profit-making organisation, run entirely by voluntary helpers, with the intention of continuing the work already established here. Providing a home and caring facilities for horses with particular needs. We earnestly believe that these horses, who have given their all in their working environment, should be allowed to enjoy the remainder of their lives in a happy, caring environment where they can contribute to the happiness of others. Over the last 30 years, we have positively established the fact that the horses love to work. They benefit by being needed. Working within their individual capabilities, they have an increased sense of well-being and contributing to the general need. The Centre also caters for horses that are disabled but still able to enjoy a good quality of life under care. A nucleus of fit working horses undertake most of the day-to-day tasks around the centre. One unpaid manager and one unpaid deputy take care of the day-to-day duties with the assistance of volunteer "friends" of all ages and from all backgrounds. Many of these volunteer helpers travel huge distances each year and many give up their annual holidays to be of assistance. Funding towards our annual operating costs is made up mainly from receipts from visitors, donations from friends, fund-raising activities and income from special events. In 2003, we created our very first MEDIAEVAL DAY. On the last Sunday of August, over 800 people came to see our costume pageant with all characters and horses in authentic mediaeval garb! The horses loved taking part in the "Riding Skills" with lance sword and javelin against quintain, quoits and various other static targets. "Medieval weekend" and a further fully costumed major projects are now annual events. We also take these "entertaining pageants" to other shows around England to help raise funds and awareness of our work.
The Pegasus Sanctuary was set up almost 15 years ago by Felicity at her home in rural Normandy. The sanctuary was set up with the primary aim to rescue and re-home equines destined for the abattoir. Since then, as well as rescuing hundreds of equines from the abattoir, we have also saved over 10 destined for the Spanish Bull Fights. In 2016, The Pegasus Sanctuary became a fully registered charity within France. During this time Felicity has re-homed hundreds of equines destined for the abattoir and is the only organisation in Normandy to do so on such an extensive scale. All the horses, ponies and donkeys at the sanctuary have been rescued from the fate of the meat trade. Many of these animals arrived at the sanctuary in a terrible state, having been neglected, abused and put through emotional stress, some needing immediate veterinary care. Felicity with a small team of volunteers cares and provides them with a safe haven to recuperate until a new home is found. The Pegasus Sanctuary is only small, with around 10 acres of land and some large barns to house the rescued equines. Currently, there are almost 50 equines at the Sanctuary, all have been rescued from the abattoir and many are awaiting to be rehomed. The task of caring for such a large number of horses, ponies and donkeys with varying needs and health conditions is exceptionally difficult. The cost of food, visits from the farrier every 6 – 8 weeks, the dentist and veterinary treatments etc., the list is endless. Without the kindness of Our Supporters, The Pegasus Sanctuary would simply not exist and many more of these beautiful creatures would sadly end their days at the fate of the abattoir. For our latest appeals, please visit our Facebook page.
Colby's Crew Rescue, established in 2021, is a pending 501(c)3 non-profit organization that is solely focused on the good and well-being of the horse. In August 2020, our horse Colby was rescued from heading to slaughter. His journey that started out as abuse, neglect, fear of humans and danger has changed into a journey full of compassion, trust, and positivity. Colby has formed an inseparable bond with his trainer, Ally. This bond has inspired the creation of this rescue to help other horses, like Colby, that are in need. Every year in the United States, over 80,000 horses are shipped out to Mexico or Canada to slaughterhouses. These horses endure a one-way trailer rider to an unimaginable fate. The last stop before a slaughterhouse is a direct-ship kill pen. Colby's Crew rescues horses from kill pens, auctions and bad situations. These horses are usually in terrible condition: sick, neglected and tossed away. We strive to provide rehabilitation, veterinary care, training, and eventually adoption to forever homes!
Burleson Equine Hospital is a full-service equine hospital that specializes in medical and surgical care for horses. Our equine veterinarians are known and respected throughout the horse world for innovative and highly skilled treatment of horses. We work with hobby horsemen and horsewomen as well as professionals who rope, rein, cut, and show horses at regional and world level championships. Our hospital facility offers a full range of services including surgery, internal medicine, advanced diagnostic imaging, regenerative medicine and specialized reproductive services. We provide ambulatory services for emergencies, preventative care, general reproduction, diagnostic imaging, medical care and treatment of your horse at your farm or stable in North Texas. Burleson Equine Hospital offers a complete and comprehensive lameness diagnostic service that provides advanced and state-of-the-art care for the equine athlete. Our clinicians have extensive training and expertise in evaluating lameness in horses under a wide variety of disciplines within the equine industry. We pride ourselves on thorough, in-depth lameness examinations complete with local anesthetic techniques (nerve and joint blocks) employed to determine exactly where your horse is lame. With a wide variety of diagnostic imaging modalities readily available, including digital radiography and digital ultrasound, diagnosing the source of the lameness can often be completed during the time of your appointment. Lameness exams are best performed in a controlled environment on a variety of surfaces. Our doctors are capable of performing lameness examinations, radiographs, ultrasound exams, and joint injections at the clinic or at your barn. Burleson Equine Hospital provides 24/7 emergency and critical care service to horses that includes both an emergency hospital center and an ambulatory service. We believe that this provides horse owners with an invaluable and essential service, having two options for your horse should you not have a trailer. We take pride in the quality of medical care our patients receive from our team of veterinarians and highly trained technicians, which are ready within minutes of the emergency call. Our veterinarians are ready to attend to any emergencies day or night, and we always answer the phone. Should the case require more intense management or hospitalization, our veterinarians and staffs are always ready to receive emergencies, whether they were seen by our veterinarians in the field or referred to our hospital by other local ambulatory veterinarians. We have state-of-the-art medical and surgical equipment ready to treat a variety of medical and surgical conditions in horses. We can accommodate horses requiring minimal observation, ophthalmic treatments, neonatal emergencies (sick foals), severe medical and surgical colics, mares with dystocia (foaling emergencies) that necessitate medical intervention or surgical intervention (Caesarian section), horses with severe neurologic disorders, orthopedic fractures, and soft tissue injury. Our Critical Care facility is equipped with the ability to administer fluids to horses of all ages. When we have a patient under intensive care, they receive constant monitoring day and night by our staff of veterinarians and Licensed Vet Technicians in a fully air-conditioned/heated ICU stall. We have immediate access to a variety of diagnostic and therapeutic options including in-house CBC, chemical profiles, blood gas analysis, abdominal, cardiac and thoracic digital ultrasonography, digital radiology, microbiology, and a fully equipped pharmacy that allows us to select the appropriate therapy immediately and without delay. Our caring staff understands that a sudden and unexpected emergency can have a profound emotional effect on the horse owner. Our goal is to provide the best and most effective medical treatment in a humane and compassionate way, while at the same time soothing the anxiety and confusion that often afflict the owner. Our clients can rest assured that should their horse experience the unpleasantness of an emergency, the team at BEH will be ready to make them a priority and resolve the emergency in a compassionate and efficient manner. Burleson Equine Hospital offers a state of the art surgical suite with a Board Certified Surgeon available at all times should your horse have a soft tissue or orthopedic surgical need. All doctors can offer minor surgical services (such as routine castration, enucleations, and laceration repair) in the hospital or at your farm. For more in-depth procedures, such as diagnostic and therapeutic arthroscopy, fracture fixation, and tendon surgeries, patients are brought to the hospital and surgery is performed by our board certified equine surgeon, Dr. Amy Armentrout. Procedures commonly performed include wound revisions, conjunctival graphs, cryptorchid castrations, umbilical hernia repair, prosthetic laminoplasties (tie-backs), flap sinusotomies, tendon and ligament surgeries, emergency exploratory laparotomies for colic, enucleations, ovariectomies, fracture repair, and arthroscopic chip removal. Surgery doesn’t just end in the surgery suite. Our doctors are committed to every case from the time it presents with a problem until discharge, and they are available for follow-up recheck examinations as well as phone consultations for referring veterinarians.
Horseracing has been part of Goodwood since 1802 when the 3rd Duke of Richmond introduced the sport. Fast-forward two hundred years, there are 19 unique racedays including the Qatar Goodwood Festival. To a backdrop of fabulous racing, Goodwood Racecourse offers a stunning choice of bars, dining and private hospitality. Goodwood Racecourse is a horse-racing track five miles north of Chichester, West Sussex, in England. It hosts the annual Glorious Goodwood meeting in late July and early August, which is one of the highlights of the British flat racing calendar, and is home to three of the UK's 36 annual Group 1 flat races, the Sussex Stakes, the Goodwood Cup and the Nassau Stakes. Although the race meeting has become known as 'Glorious Goodwood', it is sponsored by Qatar and officially called the 'Qatar Goodwood Festival'. The Qatar Goodwood Festival is one of the undisputed highlights of the British Flat racing season. The world-famous five-day festival presents spellbinding sport and a social occasion like no other, unrivalled style, scintillating racing and hospitality to savour make for an exquisite week when some of the greatest stars in horse racing are crowned. Another major event taking place at Goodwood Racecourse is British Flat Racing, with two days packed with behind-the-scenes experiences featuring a comprehensive introduction to racing. The high-quality action on the track features two worthwhile contests listed; Daisy Warwick Stakes and The Conqueror Stakes, attracting exciting fillies and mares. The whole family will appreciate a day on the South Downs; whilst adults indulge in their adrenaline charged, on-track action, and the little ones will love exploring their children's play area and dancing to their Jazz Band and Sax Quartet on the grass. Aside from the fantastic horse racing, Saturday showcases a complete introduction to horse-racing. Meet The Racehorse on the East Parade Lawn, or revel in the equine excellence, as a parade of retired champions takes place before racing. Finally, Racing To School will be on hand with complimentary and engaging activities to entertain the whole family. They include a chance to test those race riding skills on a mechanical horse alongside an array of inspiring ‘have-a-go’ elements to learn more about horse racing.
3H Equine Hospital and Mobile Veterinary Service’s mission is to provide the most progressive and compassionate care possible to our equine community. They offer extensive services including, wellness, lameness diagnosis and treatment, reproductive/breeding, rehabilitative, and are always available 24 hours a day should an emergency arise. Their equine veterinary staff are all lifelong horse owners, so they know first-hand how stressful it can be when your horse is injured or not feeling well, and they will do everything they can to ease your concerns. They will care for your horse like they care for their own, and we designed our veterinary services to provide their patients with the highest level of progressive veterinary care. They believe that proper client education is vital in helping horses remain healthy for their entire lives, and their doctors and support staff are always eager to answer any questions you may have. Both all-Inclusive since 1997 AND specialized, they are also rehabilitation leaders and “horse-people” to the core. Providing world-class equine care in their community and beyond since 1997. They are fortunate that their team is composed of equine professionals with a passion for horses and, as important, horse health. Their veterinarians are curious, life-long learners. In addition to the required continuing education, each has sought additional certifications beyond the traditional DVM. These include acupuncture, chiropractic, Kinesio-taping, and FEI certifications. 3H Equine Hospital and Mobile Veterinary Service’s doctors and team spend time each year travelling the United States to find the latest research, treatments, and modalities to bring back home to North Carolina to continually elevate the level of care your horses receive. Their friendly staff of competent professionals have been transforming their patient care and client relations by delivering on-demand, full service veterinary care to all equine breeds, in all equestrian disciplines, for all routine medical issues through sincere compassion, competence and state-of-the-art technology! Proud to be the first rehab center in the Research Triangle, 3H Equine Hospital and Mobile Veterinary Service also accept patients nationwide for our equine sports medicine and lameness solutions program. Since rehab is at the core of every injury, and muscle strengthening is at the heart of every true athlete, equines in their care submit to a host of rigorous, veterinarian-supervised options upon prescription. Their method is their philosophy: First heal, then incrementally improve by strengthening and correcting.
The American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP) was founded in 1954 by a group of 11 charter members who saw that together they could direct the focus of equine veterinary medicine. Today, the AAEP, headquartered in Lexington, Ky., at the Kentucky Horse Park, represents an educated group of men and women who cover a broad range of veterinarian equine disciplines, breeds and associations. Nearly 9,300 veterinarians and veterinary students in 61 countries are members of the AAEP. The AAEP's mission is to improve the health and welfare of the horse, to further the professional development of its members, and to provide resources and leadership for the benefit of the equine industry. These principles have guided the AAEP for more than six decades in the activities and services it provides. The AAEP conducts regular strategic planning every three to four years in order to establish priorities and set direction for the association over the current planning horizon. Informed by the results of the 2018 membership survey, the AAEP board of directors held its most recent strategic planning session in July 2019. The 2020-2023 plan was formally approved in December 2019. The three primary goals of the 2020-2023 AAEP Strategic Plan are focused on the following: 1. The Profession. AAEP will work to improve upon the current equine practice model in an effort to improve the practice life of its members and retention within the profession. Secondary strategies to this goal will involve further recruitment efforts to satisfy market demand. 2. Education. The AAEP will continue to provide innovation and improvements in its continuing education offers to members. Key drivers will be to provide member value, return on investment, and community building. Furthermore, the education will be membership-driven and focused on providing education on timely topics and enhancing the member experience. 3. The Horse. AAEP will strive to improve equine welfare, particularly with the racing and performance horse sectors, through education and advocacy of appropriate business and ethical models of practice, enhanced communications amongst members and their clients, as well as between the association and industry stakeholders.
Our passion at Anoka Equine Veterinary Services is the health and well-being of the horse. Established in 1978, Anoka Equine has been providing progressive, quality veterinary medicine for horse owners in the Twin Cities for over 40 years. Our clinic, located in Elk River, Minnesota offers clients and referring veterinarians extensive preventative and emergency equine health services in the field and in the hospital. While delivering exceptional care to our equine patients, we strive to provide compassion, education, and service to our clients. Anoka Equine offers on-farm service for routine preventative maintenance procedures, investigation of health concerns and 24-hour emergency care. We maintain eight full service mobile units that cover the 35 mile radius around Elk River. Our emergency service is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Chaparral Veterinary Medical centre (CVMC) is a full-service veterinary hospital and clinic for horses, dogs, and cats. From their original location started in 1978 to their new location built in 2008, the practice has constantly been striving to improve patient care by being progressive in the services they provide. Chaparral started out as a Paradise Valley Animal Hospital in 1971. What started out small served as a stepping stone to the formation of Chaparral Animal Hospital in 1980. The clinic underwent tremendous growth over the next 8 years, outgrowing Chaparral Animal Hospital and transforming into the Chaparral Veterinary Medical centre known today, moving to the new building in 2008. When looking for an equine veterinarian, superior care and excellent service are of paramount importance. Chaparral Veterinary Medical centre is a state-of-the-art facility staffed by an expert team of veterinary professionals to bring you the best possible healthcare for your horse. At Chaparral Veterinary Medical Centre, they believe that a team approach is the most effective way to provide the highest quality of care. They therefore, collaborate both with in-house specialist veterinarians and outside specialists on an as-needed basis for complex health problems. Chaparral Veterinary Medical Centre (CVMC) is a full-service veterinary hospital and clinic for horses, dogs, and cats. From their original location started in 1978 to their new location built in 2008, the practice has constantly been striving to improve patient care by being progressive in the services they provide. Chaparral Veterinary Medical Centre offers full-service small animal care including routine surgeries such as spays, neuters, and dental. They also offer medical treatment, hospitalization, digital radiography, and preventative care. They now offer not only quality primary care services for their patients, but they also provide specialists for the most demanding referral cases. At last count, they have on staff 9 veterinarians (two of which are board certified specialists), 15 staff members, and many other specialists who will see your animal when special circumstances require.
In 1987, T-Bone established Brazos Valley Equine Hospitals to offer an exceptional approach to caring for horses. Dr. Terrell “T-Bone” Buchanan, never saw caring for a horse as a case-by-case approach. Rather he saw it as relationship-by-relationship, year-over-year. His passion for healing horses was coupled with a desire to foster a long-term relationship of trust with the owners that created the best possible environment for horses to succeed in. From breeding to birth to a horse’s final strides and all phases in between, Brazos Valley Equine Hospitals offers unparalleled service. We provide complete care for every age. From the post-birth examination and plasma transfusions to later conformation evaluations and foal pneumonia screening, we provide complete care for every age. Computerized Gait Analysis. Better known as the “Lameness Locator,” this device is an objective way to localize subtle lameness and to accurately evaluate response to diagnostic analgesia (nerve blocks and joint blocks). BVEH also provides advanced ophthalmologic care to a multiple state region and is one of the few hospitals in the US to perform cataract surgery and cyclosporine implants on horses. BVEH is one of the few practices in North America that has the ability to perform Computed Tomography (CT) scans on horses. Brazos Valley Equine Hospitals wants to improve the lives of people and horses by mentoring and teaching recent graduates how to be the best professionals possible. When you are successful, the profession and the equine industry are better. It is our mission to invest in your success and help you develop into a great equine veterinarian by creating a positive mentorship environment, establishing clear and respectful communications, and helping you to positively impact the lives of people you encounter. Brazos Valley Equine Hospitals offers a competitive, challenging and exceptional intern program unlike any other. Because of the unique specialties of the staff, innovative procedures executed and multiple locations with a variety of client types, students have the opportunity to be exposed to more than a traditional program.
B.W. Furlong & Associates is an equine-focused veterinary practice in New Jersey offering a wide range of ambulatory services, reproductive services, surgical services, sports medicine, rehabilitation, and much more. We are proud to have highly experienced veterinary professionals here to serve you and help your horses live life to the fullest. We’re life-long, dedicated horse people through and through, with a vested interest in pursuing progressive, world-class medicine for the benefit of our patients and clients. Our team of skilled veterinarians, technicians, and support staff work together to provide a multi-dimensional, progressive approach to equine medicine. Our veterinarians are a highly skilled group with many serving at the Olympic and World Championship level. We are also proud to offer a wide variety of specialty services from our team of Board Certified veterinarians. Our practice in New Jersey offers an extensive range of equine healthcare services. From routine preventive care and sports medicine to rehabilitation and in-depth diagnostics, we can provide numerous treatment possibilities to suit the unique needs of every horse. In addition to many of our veterinarians serving at the Olympic and World Championship level, we offer a safe, controlled environment for performance evaluations, advanced diagnostic testing including a standing MRI, access to many different healing therapies, and a rehabilitation center overseen by our board-certified Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation veterinarian. Along with many career opportunities, B.W. Furlong & Associates also offers internship and externship programs for hard-working individuals who see a future for themselves in equine medicine. We encourage you to apply for employment or one of our programs if you’re looking to further your veterinary career.
Their main goal is to provide the highest quality veterinary medicine along with excellent client service to horse owners. This means that they not only diagnose and treat the horse’s problems, but that they address all of the owner’s concerns and explain any questions to their satisfaction. Arizona Equine is permanently staffed with five veterinary specialists and four intern veterinarians. Dr. Gayle Leith has worked at the clinic since 1988 and specializes in reproduction and preventative health. She is board certified by the American board of Veterinary Practitioners. Dr. Scott Taylor has worked here since 1993, specializes in surgery and is board certified by the American College of Veterinary Surgeons. Dr. Tresha Robinson joined us in the spring of 2000 and concentrates her efforts in dentistry reproduction, preventative health care, and is now certified in Equine Acupuncture. Dr. Rick Howard joined Arizona Equine in June of 2005. His major interests are orthopaedic and soft tissue surgery and the diagnosis and treatment of equine lameness. In this day and age of technology, advanced equipment is a necessity. Their ability to accurately diagnose and treat patients is magnified many-fold by judicial use of appropriate equipment. Like any large hospital, the support staff is indispensable to obtaining the mission of Arizona Equine. Their exceptional staff members help with the day-to-day chores involved in running the hospital. Without them, the clinic could not function properly. Arizona Equine started in 1984 with construction of the main hospital. In 1991 a larger barn was added to provide more inside stalls and room for the nuclear scintigraphy facility. In 1996 outside pens were added to give them a place to house horses that did not require intensive care. In 1999, they added another treatment room, more doctor’s offices, and more storage room. The physical facility has proven to be very functional and is a great asset in helping Arizona Equine provide exceptional veterinary care. In 2005, they added a state-of-the-art magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) room. MRI is superior to all other modalities in the diagnoses of soft tissue and bony issues in the limb. Arizona Equine Medical & Surgical Centre offers a range of equine diagnostic and treatment services at this facility in Gilbert, Arizona. As the largest centre of its kind in the desert southwest region we offer ultrasonography, nuclear scintigraphy, MRI, endoscopy and computed and digital radiology. The surgical facilities are equally extensive and include arthroscopy, colic surgery, laser surgery, laparoscopy and many types of soft tissue surgery.
We are the world's leading magazine published for hoof-care professionals. American Farriers Journal publishes 8 information-packed issues each year, giving you top-notch advice from veteran farriers, veterinarians and researchers from around the world. Additionally, AmericanFarriers.com offers exclusive content published daily. American Farriers Journal is the “hands-on” magazine for professional farriers, equine veterinarians and horse care product and service buyers. You will learn dozens of keg shoe modifications, see different trims compared, get ideas on when to use pads, what nails to use and much more. You will get the latest and most important hoof-care news and information from every corner of the industry and be armed with the knowledge to determine when to raise your prices, and by how much. We help you to take the guess work out of finding quality products at the best prices and give expert advice in helping you maximize your business and make more money.
Buckeye Veterinary Service is proud to serve the Chagrin Valley area, including Geauga and Wayne counties. Their team is committed to educating their clients in how to keep your animals healthy year round, with good nutrition, exercise and veterinary care. Buckeye Veterinary Service stays on top of the latest advances in veterinarian technology and above all, remembers that all animals need to be treated with loving care in every check-up, procedure, or surgery. Buckeye Veterinary Service is a three veterinarian equine practice located in Northeastern Ohio. They believe in quality medicine in an atmosphere where the client and patient come first. Their practice offers multiple treatment and diagnostic modalities for horses including in-house laboratory, digital radiography, digital ultrasound, endoscopy/gastroscopy, and power dental equipment. The mainstay of their practice is primarily ambulatory, however, their clinic/hospital allows their clients to haul-in. This enables them to perform onsite lameness, reproductive exams and hospitalize equine medicine cases overnight. The treatment areas within their clinic, allow them to use digital radiography and ultrasound equipment to diagnose your horse's lameness issues and treat them at the time of your appointment. Their doctors are active in a thriving sport horse community, performing lameness diagnostics and treatment including Shockwave therapy, IRAP, and PRP injections and, preventive medicine.
Allegheny Equine is a rapidly growing exclusively equine veterinary practice serving Pittsburgh and surrounding Western Pennsylvania. Founded in 1992 by Dr. James Zeliff, the practice has progressively grown over 25 years, providing high quality, comprehensive medical care for the horse and education and compassionate service to their clients. Their clinic, built in 2007 and located in Murrysville, PA, is the home base for their multi-doctor practice. Their ambulatory service brings complete veterinary care along with state-of-the-art equipment and therapies to your horse’s barn door. The clinic continues to expand and currently houses stalls and paddocks for horses coming for outpatient or inpatient evaluations, diagnostics and treatments. Through our experienced veterinarians and their trained veterinary technicians, they are able to provide advanced medical treatment for illnesses that require more management than can be provided on the farm. The Allegheny Equine team offers a full spectrum of services to horses of all breeds and sizes. From wellness care, dentistry and lameness evaluations to reproduction, medicine and integrative therapies, they are committed to their patients well-being and client satisfaction. At Allegheny Equine, their practice is dedicated to the highest quality care for the equine patient. Their doctors are “horse people” themselves and have chosen this profession out of desire and interest in improving the condition of their patients. Their doctors and animal health technicians are committed to serving the horse owner in a professional and compassionate manner. Together, with their office and support staff, they strive to provide education, services, and compassion to their clients. They provide the highest quality in equipment available to enable their staff to give the horse owner the best diagnostic and treatment options available. All doctors and staff are highly trained in equine medical care and the successful recovery of many of their medical and emergency cases reflect the dedication of their staff. They pride theirselves in the fact that if they cannot fully attend to their patient’s total needs, they will help the owner get the diagnosis and treatment needed by consultation with leading experts in the field. They would like every owner to feel that they were attended to by knowledgeable caregivers, their horses received the highest quality care available, and that the services were delivered in a friendly and compassionate manner.
Our equine sports medicine specialists are here to help your horse live out a healthy life at peak performance with state-of-the-art equine diagnostics, imaging, and treatment. Here at Cave Creek Equine Surgical & Imaging Specialists, we’re all horse people, from our polo playing Dr. Martin Vidal to our western riding staff members. So we understand sports medicine and the needs of our equine athletes. We LOVE horses and so our center is dedicated to ensuring that we can pinpoint what ails them and get them on the road to good health as quickly as possible. Have a healthy horse? Excellent! We want to keep it that way, which is why we have Dr. Clair Thunes as our independent equine nutritionist consultant. To ensure we have as many expert eyes as possible reviewing our MRI scans, we have veterinary radiologist Dr. Alexia McKnight as our radiology consultant. Along with a high-skilled, caring staff, we want you to know that your horse is in very good hands here.
In 2006, Cleveland Equine Clinic (CEC) was formed from the merging of multiple practices from Northeast Ohio into a single clinic and ambulatory practice. Today, CEC provides high quality ambulatory, inpatient, emergency, medical, surgical, and diagnostic services to serve the equine industry. Over the years, we have grown to accommodate the needs and care of our equine patients. The CEC team currently consists of nine veterinarians with a diversity of special interests to provide the utmost in quality care and treatment. CEC has always been committed to being at the forefront of equine care, diagnostics, and treatment for the horses. State-of-the-art diagnostics modalities such as ultrasound, digital radiography, standing magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), endoscopy, gastroscopy, as well as computed gait analysis are utilized by our practice. Innovating treatment options such as platelet rich plasma (PRP), interleukin receptor antagonistic protein (IRAP), stem cell, and shockwave are all offered by CEC. The veterinarians and staff at CEC are fully committed to the health and welfare of our equine patients. Whether the horse is a beloved companion, the competitive sport horse, or the working horse, our team at CEC strives to provide you and your horse with the very best quality care.
The Colorado Therapeutic Riding Center (CTRC) is a PATH Intl. Premier Accredited Center in southeast Longmont, Colorado. Since 1980, CTRC has been devoted to serving children and adults with disabilities. As one of the oldest therapeutic riding centers in Colorado, and one of the largest in the nation, CTRC serves nearly 500 riders through our dynamic Equine Assisted Services and has an impressive work force of over 1,000 volunteers each year. At CTRC we strive to nurture not only our participant’s physical health, but their mental and spiritual health as well. Our equine assisted services are far more than a mere pony ride. Through working with the horse as a partner and modality, our services produce tangible physical, psychological, cognitive, social, and educational benefits. We witness the profound life enhancing benefits of equine assisted services everyday, and invite you to experience them yourself and your loved ones. The mission of the Colorado Therapeutic Riding Center is to change the lives of people with disabilities by promoting their physical, psychological and social well-being through equine assisted activities. CTRC serves children and adults with a wide range of special needs, such as cerebral palsy, autism and Asperger’s, developmental delays, sensory integration disorder, Down Syndrome, traumatic brain injuries, paraplegia, learning disabilities, multiple sclerosis, stroke, mental health issues and behavior challenges. Our youngest riders are 2 ½ and our oldest in their 90s. Physicians, therapists, counselors, teachers, family members, and friends refer participants to CTRC. Participants may come to CTRC as individuals or as part of a school, recreation, therapy or other group. No clinical diagnosis is necessary to participate; however, participants must have a need for our specialized, therapeutic environment.
The American Board of Veterinary Practitioners is committed to the wellbeing of animals and those who care for them, and as such will not stay silent as people suffer due to systemic racism, sexism and other prejudices. Let us be clear, just as our veterinary oath applies to all species, our commitment is to all people regardless of race, religion, gender, sexuality or identity. ABVP was founded in 1978 and its Diplomates have a common desire and willingness to deliver superior, comprehensive, multi-disciplinary veterinary service to the public. They are veterinarians who have demonstrated expertise in the broad range of clinical subjects relevant to their practice and display the ability to communicate medical observations and data in an organized and appropriate manner. ABVP certification is available to practicing veterinarians without the need to pursue a formal residency or postgraduate education. The main purpose is self-improvement through demonstrating specialist-level skills and knowledge. The certification process is demanding and requires a thorough mastery of species-oriented practice. ABVP is the AVMA-recognized veterinary specialty organization™ for certification of each AVMA-recognized veterinary specialty™ listed above. The ABVP undergoes a comprehensive evaluation by the American Board of Veterinary Specialties (ABVS), a committee of the American Veterinary Medical Association, every three years to ensure that it is maintaining the required standards for the certification process. The American Board of Veterinary Practitioners (ABVP) is committed to excellence in species-specialized veterinary practice for the wellbeing of animals and those who care for them, striving to make a difference in the world through professional certification, education, and innovation. The American Board of Veterinary Practitioners (ABVP) vision is to promote and provide the highest standard of care in the total patient and to advance the quality of veterinary practice throughout the world.
Whether chasing cows, jumping over fences, or riding down the trail, Black Diamond Equine Veterinary Clinic will help you bring out the best in your horse. From general care, vaccines and dentistry, to lameness and performance, Black Diamond Equine Veterinary Clinic's (BDE) goal is to provide the best medical options and treatment to bring out and maintain the performance of your horse. No matter if your horse walks down the trail, runs after cows, barrels, or jumps for a living, BDE wants to be a part of your team. Their doctors bring extensive experience in both large and small equine hospitals, and with a variety of performance goals and partnering with trainers of all disciplines. They provide treatment options with honesty, integrity, and the well-being of your horse always first and foremost. BDE offers the best in care with their haul-in facility. Ambulatory services are also available. At Black Diamond Equine, they believe regular care, including vaccinations and deworming, are key to maintaining good health and body condition for your horse. They are there to help you develop a customized and appropriate wellness plan to suit your horse. They advocate regular vaccinations and deworming for all horses, whether you travel frequently or stay close to home. Their plans can be customized to your horses needs based on history, potential exposure to diseases and routines. Black Diamond Equine offers comprehensive diagnostic and treatment services for lameness. A detailed physical exam is the first step in the process. Each lameness exam is different depending on the history, presentation and physical exam of the horse. In general, you can expect their veterinarians to palpate the horse’s body and limbs, observe the horse at a walk, trot and canter, and perform limb flexions. They may recommend diagnostic services such as ultrasound or digital radiography to further assist in identifying the source of lameness or performance issues. Chiropractic care has become an integral part of holistic health care for both humans and animal health. Equine chiropractic focuses on the preservation and health of the neuro-skeletal system. It is designed to work with the natural ability of the body to maintain and heal itself. Chiropractic care is used to treat soreness, pain, or problems with gait and movement. Treatment benefits include enhanced function, performance and quality of life. Keeping the neuro-skeletal system healthy before symptoms begin helps not only the older horse, but athletes and younger horses as well. Their ultimate goal is to help your horse live up to its full potential and have a long, successful life!